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Donate to the Sault Ste. Marie Métis Heritage Centre

The Sault Ste. Marie Métis Heritage Centre provides a dedicated and safe space for the Historic Sault Ste. Marie Métis Community to gather, share our stories, and safeguard our history. Our vision is to be a vibrant and welcoming community space where the truth about the Historic Sault Ste. Marie Métis Community is celebrated and shared.

The Sault Ste. Marie Métis Heritage Centre seeks to preserve and promote the history, culture, and heritage of the Métis in Sault Ste. Marie by:
  • Housing and digitizing collections of documents, photographs, oral histories, and ancestral objects related to the history of the community and the families who make up that community.
  • Conducting new interviews and recordings which document the stories of our elders and community members.
  • Hosting a virtual platform that makes our history and culture accessible to our community members, no matter where they may live in the world.
  • Operating a research library to encourage local scholarship on the history of the community.
  • Operating a performance space to encourage the continuation of Métis culture through the arts, including traditional and contemporary music and dance, theatre, and storytelling.
  • Hosting an Early Learning space to encourage our children to learn about and understand their history and identity.
  • Operating a giftshop to promote local Métis artists, authors, and creators.
  • Maintaining a Métis Makerspace to host workshops and promote Métis cultural traditions, including beadwork, weaving, bark-working, sewing, quilting, quillwork, and more.
  • Hosting school trips and corporate retreats to promote the history of the Métis community to the broader local community.
  • Serving as the start point for our tourism venture, Métis Tours.
  • Working in collaboration with other local heritage organizations to promote the history of the area.
  • Collaborating with the Métis Nation of Ontario to preserve and promote Métis history as the modern government of the Métis Nation within Ontario.
Your donation will help support the ongoing development of the Heritage Centre. All donations over $3.00 are eligible to receive a tax receipt, making it easier than ever to support the important work of the Heritage Centre.

Donations to the Heritage Centre are processed by the Métis Nation of Ontario Cultural Commission, the only registered charity with the goal of supporting Métis arts, culture, and history in Ontario, using the platform Canada Helps.

*The Sault Ste. Marie Métis Heritage Centre is operated by the Historic Sault Ste. Marie Métis Council and was made possible through the support of the Métis Nation of Ontario and the Government of Canada.